
We’ve always been on the same page
Skipping sentences & punctuation along the way
Yet clearly following and understanding the full story
Knowing exactly what we’d been through and where we’d come from
Visions clear of where we were headed…
Only now,
Now it’s like the distance has been magnified and the insecurities amplified
Whispers from all directions
Corroded by your mixed actions
The message louder and clearer
Ringing in my ears
I lost the bookmark the minute you hopped on that plane
Blind to my pleas to get you to help me find it,
Hell even buy me a new one
Despite the sentimental value of the original one
It’s way more important to remain on the same page
Now I lie here flipping through unfamiliar words and scenes
Extremely lost in the plot
Oblivious to the moral altogether
So I go out to the biblioteq
Searching for more books to throw myself into
But my mind is still searching
Yearning for the thrill of our story
Sprouts of passion
Springs of real appreciation and value
Valleys of romantic banter
The occasional word
Undertones of sexiness
Moments capturing rare beauty
It had my full attention

And I his

Oh just the thought of it brings me such warmth
Taking me back to my radiant African rainbow glow after days of heavy thunderstorms
The smooth flow of the interchanging colours taking hold of me
I’m lost in the full story
Of a young boy who fell in love with a girl
How she’d made him feel fulfilled, accomplished, whole, complete
& her heartfelt smile lit up his world
They drove into the sunset over the ocean view
Dolphins dancing and humming sweet melodies to the scent of their pure love
Dang, I gotta catch myself
The story I can’t forget,
The book I yearn to read forever
Help me find my bookmark
Before this beautiful story gets shoved into the back of the bookshelf
And fades away in the stack
Left only to gather dust

~The story within a book can be very captivating


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