In The Quiet

In those quiet moments
Where it's just you and your thoughts
Do you allow your mind to drift
Do you choose to block out those thoughts
Are you sifting through the darkness
Trying to find light
Searching for the silver lining
Wondering about the choices of yesterday
Mapping out solutions for the new year

Are you drifting between what's right for you
Doing right by others
Being the best version of yourself
Are you dreaming of days gone by
Or envisioning a brighter future

I can see it
I can feel it,
The shift is about to happen
Propelling me to a place closer to my desires
A space wilder than I ever imagined
It seems tangible now
I can
We can, we will
We are

Are you walking on a clear beach with white sands
Or sitting in the back of a yellow cab stuck in peak traffic
Do you feel the breeze of the water
Seated on the deck of the lake
Can you hear the bells ringing
Signaling a time for change
Time for the next season
Time to snap out of your daze and concentrate
On the task at hand
On what you have been called to do
On the moment unfolding before you

Or do you drift back into the clouds in your mind
Feeling the sun kissing your skin
Closing your eyes as you float along
Wherever the wind will take you
Allowing you to escape for a moment

Where will I get the money
How will I support my family
How do I tell my wife about the job offer in a war-torn country
What does it mean for our unborn children
Help me find the words
To tell my aunt about the goat that was run over
Without causing her to stroke, again
Without dimming the glimmer of hope for the next generation

What am I cooking for dinner
I've got to keep this surprise in just one more day
What can I do to support my sister through her struggle
I don't have the capacity to handle what is going on with
My colleague, my mother, my brother, my granddad, my aunt
I am too young for this
When did all this land on my plate
My plate is not even that big
How did I not get a manual for this
Adult. Life. Living. Adulting.

I ...
I am trying
To be better
To do more, for everyone
To be so much more
To be your everything
But I ...
I get overwhelmed,
Until I allow myself to pause
And hear Your voice

The peace
And unwavering grace
I can reach it
You find me
In the quiet.


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