
When did we become so oblivious to the facts, the opportunities, even
our neighbours in our own land?!
How do we restore what has been ripped apart to become so wounded & lifeless?
What did I do to bring my fellow citizen down today and destroy their dreams?
Who can we blame for our own failures of yesteryear?
Why is my home, my family, my business in such disorder, chaos and uncertainty?
I don't think I care enough to point the finger back at me, I know you
will be quick to throw me into the pit of fire if I take
responsibility for a large portion of our net loss for the year ending
two thousand and dollarization.
So here we are today:
The road to my dreams, your hopes, our visions are bleak; riddled with
potholes, broken and bent street lights, no lines for direction, no
authorities for protection, no street names to guide your destination.
I surely cannot stand up for fear of becoming invisible, beaten and
lost. I won't speak out for I have been taught to always follow
instruction & respect my elders, even when I am educated enough
(spiritually, mentally and physically) to know that this old school
guerrilla mindset could trap my dreams and distort my vision, 
still I concur and ride along in the least damaging vehicle. I plead the fifth
and drive my car further south 'til I can't even hear the voice of my
grandmother and I have no desire to return to my village, empower the children 
or fight the battles of tomorrow for I am now subject to a
foreign law that will only get me so far in life. I fly as far north
as my wings will take me, take a cruise to the east until I'm so far
ahead that I can put the past behind me, routing for change from new
lands of opportunity, "wealth" and stability.
If it is true that a nation's government is determined by the
condition of the people's hearts then Father, deal with our hearts.
Deal with our minds to bring us back to forward thinking, positive and
kind words, meaningful conversation, powerful motivation, minding your
own business, and not coveting your subordinates new strategy, his
wife, her children or the neighbour's new home. For when the mind is
right, only then can the actions too be right. And when our actions
are back on track then our businesses will begin to grow, our families
will be restored, the community will carry and build the children, the
widows, the sick, the wounded, brokenhearted and downright
wicked. When the little girl is afforded a hot meal, a safe home
and a fair education then we will develop great sisters, mothers,
wives, nurses, teachers, doctors, consultants, economists and
executives. If the little boy is cared for, taught fundamentals of
life and raised up to be educated, dedicated and responsible,
respectable, reasonable young man, only then will we have great
husbands, fathers, mentors, technicians, 
pharmacists, politicians and directors.
When we achieve that as a people we can rebuild our nation and restore
glory and honour to this land. 
We will earn the shining beacon of hope for Africa. 
Our hearts will reflect  the kind of love, purity and
empathy that befits stability and destroys corruption. 
We will only drive south, sail east or fly north to vacate and educate the world
about our transformed nation.
But the question remains...
Who will make the first move? 
What will trigger a move for change? 
Where will you be when it's time to take up arms? 
How can I make a lasting positive difference? 
Why on earth should anyone even bother?!

~Questions I ask myself from time to time


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