Good Ol' Relations

How are we so spontaneous about having relations
When we adamantly refuse to share bathrooms with strangers
How are we so nonchalant about relations
When we vehemently won’t borrow toothbrushes from our neighbours
How can we …
When the thought of wearing underwear from another woman is repulsive
We’re grossed out about sharing combs, cutlery and nail files
We think twice about tables and trays we choose at restaurants
We are cautious around people who sneeze and cough
Yet we casually jump into the beds of people we generally don’t know that much about
All you can say for sure is that they are happy to be in that bed with you
He’s probably ready to jump into bed with just about any woman who will afford him such an opportunity
I certainly cannot stand the sight of someone else's urine
I cringe at the smell of blood
Wounds and scars, drips and shots
He should be so lucky as to exchange bodily fluids with me
Swopping acerbic particles traded in relations gone past
Troubling thoughts of germs and infirmity should be enough for us to stop this rampant immorality
Seeing as biblical command is not enough to rid our consciences of such licentious
We throw all logic, reason and morality away
All for another taste of good ol' relations

~ Our generation has become rather complacent about sexual immorality


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