And They Say

last week she wore beautiful, detailed, highlighted braids
last night she had long, luscious black hair that gently fell to her shoulders
but today she has a short, full, natural, glowing afro

last month she had a million micros that curled down her back

last week she rocked the party with her sleek, sexy, long black ponytail
yet today she simply wears a stylish cut that gracefully circles her face

last week her fierce pixie cut with spiked blonde tints blew us away

last night her shoulder length main was full of volume with accents of rich red and brown hues
and today she is styling with her funky kinky twists

last month her tight curls bounced to her rhythmic heart beat

last week she was captivating with her detailed corn rows that matched her exotic dress
today, she looks angelic with her natural, chin-length wrap

every style she wears gives us all a new opportunity 

to experience and listen to what her hair has to say for the day

~Just a Moment to Embrace Black Hair


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